First, I wanted to take this time to wish you and your family a very happy and healthy New Year!

I understand that you have many choices when it comes to Business efficiency Coaches and am very appreciative that you trust me with your time management and office organizing needs!

It’s been quite the year. Full of ups and downs, like driving up and down the mountains. The view was pretty, but the ride gave me joy and motion sickness.

As you know, I do my best to be transparent with you and this post is extra vulnerable because I want you to see the reality of my business journey. It’s how I get where I am today.

Your journey may be different in many ways, so know that no matter what you go though, I hope to inspire you in some small way.

I don’t usually do words of the year, but if I could sum up 2018 into 1 word, it would be GROWTH.

Here’s why…


The Good


  • After over 12 years, I went back to college. It was unplanned, but my financial situation forced me to go back and I’m glad I did. So many opportunities have opened up just from being a student. 
  • I’ve made some amazing local connections because of my school advisers
  • I created my first course
  • I learned a different view of the Corporate and Manufacturing world through my first few Business classes. They gave me ideas on how to be more structured in my own business and to help clients more.
  • After 3 years of PTSD from being in abusive relationships, I finally found a Therapist who is actually helping me and I can already feel and think differently after only a couple months together. Through this, I’ve learned a lot about myself
  • I finally know who my ideal client is and currently working on a marketing strategy for next Quarter
  • I’ve updated my 1:1 Programs to customize for your needs.
  • I’ve included a 1:1 mini Coaching to my DIY decluttering course
  • I took two Accounting classes and feel more confident in managing my money and from this, make better business decisions based on financial statements.
  • The confidence in my skill set is stronger than ever. 



The Bad


  • The first couple months of the year were very rocky. I was still learning to maintain my chronic illness and trying to get financial aid was a very emotional process.
  • My depression was the worst it’s been in years.
  • I didn’t accomplish a lot of things I had set out to do. 
  • My first launch was a bust.
  • I was too scared to be on video.
  • It took all year to figure out who my ideal client is – service-based Solopreneurs to prevent overwhelm and burnout by gaining more time and structure, which helps them scale and grow their business to earn more money, and make a bigger impact with their cause.
  • I’ve gained a lot of weight this year from my depression and chronic illness. My physical self-confidence has dropped 


The Hopeful


  • Based on everything I’ve learned this year and continue to learn about business and myself, get ready for major implementation 
  • It’s easier to focus on my ideal client and writing copy has turned to flow more often.
  • My local connections have re-sparked a dream I never thought I’d end up doing – create a co-working space! This will be my new project as I shift The Simplified Office Business model to accommodate for it. Don’t worry, I’ll still Coach a lot and create more courses for you! Besides, once it does open, my office will be moved there!  It’s time to become a Leader in my local community, not just online.
  • I’m taking a Business Funding class next semester to help create income for the co-working space and this online Coaching Business
  • In order to juggle this online Coaching business and start the co-working space, I’ll need to also focus on my health as a whole because it’s the only way I’ll be able to physically do everything I want to do next year and still give you, my amazing reader and clients, my all. This also includes more boundaries and more strict with my time. 

Next Steps:

  1. I’d love to hear about your business and life growth journey from this year. Share with us in the comments below. No judgement here.
  2. Download your 2018 Reflections Workbook
  3. Check out blog posts from over the year

Business and life is an adventure. Embrace the journey. 

Together, we’ll #movemountains,
