2019 Year in Review – The Simplified Office

Here is the 2019 review, both good and bad, ups and downs.

In this 2019 review, you’ll see the evolution of this year.

Up until this year, I’ve not been a “word of the year” person. I don’t (or didn’t) like that kind of commitment and didn’t see the point.

Instead, as the year went on, I realized one word that kept coming up. Growth.

This was truly a year of personal growth as you’ll see in my monthly highlights (good and bad) in my personal and business life below.

I had already started therapy September of 2018 for my PTSD, after ten years of physical and emotional domestic violence. My therapist was wonderful and I wanted fast progress so I went weekly with things to discuss each week. All year long I worked on refining my business and did a lot of market research.

The Simplified Office Year in Review 2019 | thesimplifiedoffice.com

Word of the Year 2019 Review

It’s hard to believe that the 2019 year is already ending. Funny how the years seem to go by faster as you get older.

It’s bittersweet as it has been a tough and wonderful year. I’m ready to take all I’ve learned this year and execute on them. It’s time to finally keep the past in the past and embrace this new woman I’ve become.

Look, I’m not going to sugarcoat and pretend this year was all rainbows. Yes, (more…)

The Simplified Office 2018 Recap

First, I wanted to take this time to wish you and your family a very happy and healthy New Year!

I understand that you have many choices when it comes to Business efficiency Coaches and am very appreciative that you trust me with your time management and office organizing needs!

It’s been quite the year. Full of ups and downs, like driving up and down the mountains. The view was pretty, but the ride gave me joy and motion sickness.

As you know, I do my best to be transparent with you and this post is extra vulnerable because I want you to see the reality of my business journey. It’s how I get where I am today.

Your journey may be different in many ways, so know that no matter what you go though, I hope to inspire you in some small way.

I don’t usually do words of the year, but if I could sum up 2018 into 1 word, it would be GROWTH.

Here’s why…


The Power of Planning with Chronic Illness, for Bloggers, Coaches & Virtual Assistants

Running a business as a Solopreneur with Health Issues or Chronic Illness needs extra planning and more flexibility. Here's how. #solopreneur #coaches #virtualassistant #blogger

I’m writing something different today.  It’s a topic I’ve been wanting to cover for awhile, and I’ve noticed that there are a lot more people in similar, unique, situations as me. 

I’m not sure why, but for some reason I’ve been surprised about how many other entrepreneurs and business owners battle with mental health and chronic illness.  You cannot see on the outside, but on the inside it’s a whole other world. These are topics I don’t hear enough about in our industry.

Sure everything on social media and online usually looks pretty and happy all the time, but we don’t see enough of the behind-the-scenes reality of business owners, so today I’m going to give you a little behind the scenes of my life.

I’m going to discuss what it’s like to personally battle depression, chronic illness and a couple of other health conditions that I continue to work through as I grow my business.