introductionI’ve never done a blogging challenge before so when Alex Beadon announced her #FeelGoodBlogging Challenge, I had to try writing 7 days straight. Today is day 1, (re) Introducing myself.


Jen picI’m Jennifer Vaaler. An INFJ, writer, coffee connoisseur, office supplies junkie and list-maker. I’m an early bird ready to rock the day as soon as my feet hit the floor. I grew up near the  rocky mountains, but now live in the suburbs outside of Raleigh, NC. My back porch in the woods are my oasis.

A planner and a craft-brewed coffee are always in hand to keep me focused and fueled. I don’t like excuses and always figure out a way to achieve my goals. Blogging has been a big part of doing so.

I’ve always enjoyed writing but never really knew what specifically to write about so I started blogging about high-end coffee as a hobby beginning 2010.

Then, I started this blog soon after, documenting my career, personal growth and life milestones. Now, I write to inspire and push you to accomplish your goals using high-tech and low-tech tools to get there.

This site is for Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners who take action but want to create a calm mind and focused life. You’ll find inspiration, time management, life management, tips and tools to help you get there.

Lately, I’ve been writing up a Goal Setting Workshop for the New Year so you don’t get overwhelmed.

My Vision: Simplification and focus in our high-tech world are needed to accomplish more and stress less. Time is the ONLY asset we all have in common, it’s how you value and use it to your advantage to succeed.




Next Step: Is this site for you? Like what you see?  Please sign up for free tips and tools to create a calm mind and focused life below.
